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Professor Stephen Haver Files
Episode Twenty-six

(Air date Tuesday, March 16th, 2004)
Scene One: Haver's prison cell, he is sitting on a table reading a book.

Hearing footsteps he turns to look, and stands up.
STEPHEN: (He seems sincerely glad) What a lovely surprise.
It is Jessica. She is standing in front of the bars, her arms crossed, as if for protection, in front of her.
JESSICA: (Angrily) Is it?!
He walks towards her. He fiddles with his book. Throughout he speaks softly -- like a psychiatrist -- he probably is manipulating her as he does with everyone else, but part of him truly seems to have cared for her -- in his own, twisted way.
JESSICA: (Cont.) Is it? Didn't you know I was going to come? Didn't you know everything about me?

STEPHEN: I know what a kind and caring person you are.

JESSICA: (Says nothing for a moment) And gullible and ignorant.

STEPHEN: (Shaking his head) Never underestimate yourself, Jessica. You are one of the brightest, most insightful students I ever had.

JESSICA: Not bright enough to see through you.

STEPHEN: It's one of your greatest strenghts.... to see the best in people.
She looks at him.
STEPHEN: (Cont.) And yeess, (nodding his head in agreement) one of the greatest weaknesses as well.

JESSICA: (She looks down, closes her eyes and shakes her head) Well, not anymore (looks back at him)!

STEPHEN: (Leans a little nearer to the bars) Why did you come here today?

JESSICA: Well, as you know I (takes her purse) I have been (nervously  brushes her hair back) writing a series of articles on the Music Box (looking at him) murders, and ah.... I  have one more to write. I need some answers.

STEPHEN: I'm sure you do!
Scene Two: Continuing from the previous scene, Haver's prison cell, Jessica, is sitting down, she wants to interview Haver about being the Music Box Killer. Haver is pacing around
JESSICA: Why did you do it? Why did you kill those women?

STEPHEN: (Running his fingers over the back of a chair) You haven't heard the theory that the papers are trumpeting about "my mommy!"

JESSICA: Alot of people have bad parents, doesn't mean they kill thirty-six women in seven states!
Haver taps the chair.

JESSICA: Why did you do it?

Haver sits backwards on the chair and looks at her. Taking notes on a note pad.
STEPHEN: And why didn't you see it sooner. (Puts his hand to his face) That's what you want to know. (Running his thumb over the corner of his mouth) After working together soo long. Side-by-side. (Rubbing his chin) That's what really what you want to know.
She hesitates to write.

STEPHEN: (Cont., exhales) Look at me, Jessica. Do you see a monster?

JESSICA: (looking at him, and then jumps up, and turns from) I'm not falling for that again!

She listens, her back turned from him, devoid of expression. Obviously she is struggling not to be manipulated by what he is saying to her.
STEPHEN: (Getting up, pleading) Jessica.... (walks to the bars and puts his hands on them) are you afraid that you are going to see.... the goodness that's inside of me? You see a man. No more. No less. And a boy....  A boy who survived.... a neglectful and abusive mother. Only to be turned over to an abusive grandmother and neglectful grandfather.

She blinks as if trying steal herself and not be moved to sympathy, and thus be fooled by him yet again.

STEPHEN: (Cont.) But a boy survived. Eight years old, alone--
Just then John's voice is heard, interrupting him. Jessica turns, as if out of a trance.
JOHN: WHAT THE HELL do think you are doing here?! (Going to Haver pointing at him) One more word out of you and I'm going to knock you out! (Walking to Jessica), You, (point at her, and spreading out his arms at his disbelief) what are you thinking about?
Jessica is obviously somewhat dazed as if Haver was getting to her, but she also seems annoyed by John interrupting the interview.
JOHN: (Cont.) You know what he's trying to do.

JESSICA: (Nervously running her hand over her face and pushing aside her hair) I'm okay. I'm fine.
As John talks with Jessica Haver looks around, he then spots her purse on the floor with a bottle of prescription sticking out. Making sure they do not see him, he looks over, as he bends down.
JOHN: You're okay? What are you doing here?

JESSICA: I just needed some answers.

JOHN: Jessica, there are no answers here. (Gesturing) Listen, go and do not come back here!

JESSICA: Okay, I'll go.
She walks towards her purse and it picks up, and leaves. John turns to look at Haver. Haver stands up.
STEPHEN: I would have thought (sticking his face between the bars) that you'd have been released from this case by now.

JOHN: (Scoffs) Ha.... (Pointing to and talking to the guard) Would you give us a minute here! It's okay, go get a cup of coffee or something. (Gesturing to reassure the cop) It's okay.
He moves the chair, which Jessica was sitting on, out of the way. The cop reluctantly leaves. Then John walks closer to the bars.
STEPHEN: (Gestures, leaning his face outside the bars) So, what is this, a social call?

JOHN: You know.... I know what you're trying to do with that girl.... you know.... all that voodoo stuff!

STEPHEN: I merely granted her access. For an interview. That's all! She's working on the last chapter on a series about the Music Box Killer. (Pauses for a moment) Or is it the last chapter (a very slight smirk)?

JOHN: Yeah! (Nodding) It is!

STEPHEN: My attorney is confident in my insanity plea. I'll stay in a mental facility. Who knows, I could be cured (slight smile) and sent back out on the streets again.

JOHN: (Laughs) You think you're going to get out? Get out of here to get to kill again (shakes his head)?

STEPHEN: (Confidently) Who's going to stop me?

JOHN: I did! This time!

STPEHEN: But only after allll those women died. Just think, if you had stopped me sooner. You would have saved so many lives.

JOHN: Their deaths are on your conscious.

STEPHEN: It's Caitlin I'm thinking of. Young.... Such a sweet... sad smile.
John is getting furious but holds his emotions and temper in check.
STEPHEN: (Cont.) Lovely, really.... Kind of love that comes around only once.... For most.... Maybe twice for you.

JOHN: You don't know anything!

STEPHEN: (Playing his game with John) Noo? You didn't feel any twinge, surge of feeling when you were saving Natalie Vega from being blown to smithereens? I just hope that you're not.... unlucky enough to lose her as well. (Says nothing for a moment) John, tell me, why didn't you kill me when I asked you to? Why did you stop and push me out of the way of a bullet (Smiles tauntingly)?

JOHN: (Devoid of emotion) Instinct. If I would have taken time to think about it? I would have let you die!

STEPHEN: (Smiles) Well, there's always next time!
John nods and walks off. The guard is not at his desk. Stephen puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out the bottle of pills he lifted from Jessica's purse, and examines it. Then checking to see if anyone is around, puts it back in his pocket. He looks around again, and then as if he is trying to muster up courage puts his hands on the bars.

He then exhales and bashes his head against the bars. He is dazed by the hit, exhales, closes his eyes and musters the courage to do it again, which he does. Fade to commercial.

Scene Three: Haver's prison cell, he is lying on the floor, in pain.
STEPHEN: (Groaning, speaking softly) Help Me! Help--
Just then his guard walks up.
POLICEMAN #1: What's your problem?
Haver grunts and groans and rolls over, having a hard time speaking.
STEPHEN: Ah.... w.... (rolling over) ah....

POLICEMAN: What the hell happened to you?!

STEPHEN: Ah.... John.... (having a hard time speaking) ah.... John McBain did this.... he hit me! John....
The cop goes to get help.

STEPHEN: (Pleased) John.... John McBain.... (in pain)....
Scene Four: The Police Station, Bo's office, he is talking with F.B.I. Bureau Chief Christopher Scoletta. He is trying to convince Scoletta to reinstate John because he is a good agent and is not guilty of violating Haver's rights. Bo tells him that he is sure that Haver is setting John up. After some time Bo gets Scoletta to think again about John, Scoletta agrees to "think again about his file." Just then Haver's guard comes in, he tells Bo that Haver was taken to the E.R. and that he said Haver attacked him. In disgust, Scoletta throws down John's file on Bo's desk.

Scene Five: Angel Square Cafe, Natalie and John are in a booth. They are talking about things. Two police officers arrive and tell him they need him to come in for questioning, Haver was attacked and said he did it. Natalie is furious and tells them that her Uncle Bo will fix things. John calms her and says it is procedure and does not blame the cops. He goes with them willingly.

Scene Six: Bo's office, Bo listens as Bureau Chief Scoletta rails into John, asking him what was he thinking. John insists that Haver was fine when he left him. Scoletta says that Haver's statement says that John grabbed him and pulled his face through the bars. Scoletta reads the E.R. report and tells them that Haver's injury is consistent to what he says John did to him. Bo says that Haver could have done it to himself. John tells his boss that Haver hates him, and that it would be just like him to do it to get him in trouble and thus get the case against him thrown out of court. Scoletta is not buying it. He tells John that Bo had almost convinced him to change his mind, but after this he is not sure he (John) will ever get his badge back. John does not care, he tells his boss that he can keep the badge, The F.B.I. was not for him anyway. Scoletta agrees that John is not F.B.I. material, and leaves. John wants to know if Bo believes Haver. Bo tells him definitely not. Bo wonders if John really is fine about leaving the F.B.I., John says he is and should have done so a long time ago.

Scene Seven: Llanview University, after her run-in with Haver, Jessica  went to the university and was talking to Marcie. Antonio shows up, and she notices he looks upset. She thinks that he has spoken with John about her going to see Haver and that is why he is upset. Though he knows nothing about her meeting. Though now he is concerned, he cannot believe she did that. She tells him that she had to have answers about why Haver did what he did, she wanted to tie up her series on the killings. She tells Antonio that she was not afraid of Haver. Haver was behind bars all the time and a guard was right there. She assures him she is fine and unhurt. Antonio tells her to never do that again. She agrees. She then asks what is wrong? He informs her that his mother informed him that Dorian was in fact Adriana Colón's mother and that his mother (Carlotta) had know all along -- Adriana is Carlotta's goddaughter and had been staying with them; she was like his younger sister. Antonio tells her that he has some vacation time. He wonders where she would like to go. It is obvious he wants to go to Puerto Rico to do some snooping and talk to the people he always thought were Adriana's parents -- why did his mother help Dorian and place Adriana with the Colóns and why the secrecy. After all that is happened Jessica welcomes time away from Llanview, especially on a warm, sandy beach on the Caribbean Sea.

Scene Eight: Haver's jail cell, Haver is back, he just has a bandage on his forehead. His guard locks him in. Haver rubs his wrist.

STEPHEN: (Exhaling): Ha....

POLICEMAN #1: Doctor said to tell me if you get dizzy.

STEPHEN: (Continuing to rub his wrist) Ha.... right.... ha....
The cop returns to his desk. Haver looks around, rolling his eyes, looking pleased.
STEPHEN: (Sotto voce) McBain!
Stephen is definitely playing a game to get John.

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