Episode Sixteen: Jack and the Others Are Being Held Captive by Tony in a Bavarian Castle; Everyone in Salem Believes They are Dead; Jack Tries Repeatedly to Escape. Background: [Matt was off camera again for a couple of weeks] Eventually Bo and Hope borded the Japanese fishing Trawler. The "fisherman" were able to speak perfect English. They told them that they could search the ship. Someone found Marlena's wedding ring, but the "fisherman" denied knowing anythig about it; they told them that it probably came from a fish. Meanwhile, Roman and Marlena were able the others on the Coast Guard boat, but could do nothing. It appeared that some personal effects were found with blood on it, and they viewed that as fact that the missing werre dead -- though one article was Jack's backpack and Jack had no backpack when he haden fellen overboard. [Air
date November 26, 2004]
Someone's been a baaaaddddd boy! No turkey
for you! You know, it's a funny thing, I'm surprised
the Count's even keeping you around. (Gesturing) This is the third
time you tried to escape.
BART: (Scoffs) I told you, Pal. Your wife and kid are okay. (Sarcastically) I'm just sorry I can't say the say for you (making a clicking noise to denote his disappointment).
date December 7th, 2004]
Jennifer?! I'm right here.
Oh, Jack?! (Her eyes reveal her confusion and optimism) Jack?
Oh my gosh!
Hah, all right! All right! All right already! Now, (fixes
his sleeves) easy on the threads!
Double the surveillance on Mr. Deveraux around the clock!
(Cont.) you interrupted my daily meditation and sword
purification ceremony.
That's a waste of time, there's no ceremony
that's going to clean the blood off that sword!
Jack glares at him. TONY: (Cont.) There's no form of escaping this castle! But I promise you, (with a slightly malicious smile) you will be home for Christmas, in you dreams!
![]() JACK: (Gesturing) You now Tony, just as that inventor who tries and tries and fails a hundred times but gets it right in the end, I'll find my way out of here. (Being smug) So, tell me, where's Cassie? You know I haven't see her since (enumerate with his figures) we were drugged, and taken off that Japanese fishing trawler. (Throwing out his hands gesturing a question) So, where is she? (Gesturing again) In fact, where is everybody else? (Grinning) What is this place? TONY: (Laughing back) So many questions, (gritting his teeth) so little time. JACK: (Shrugs) Well, I'm a prisoner, right? I've got all the time in the world. TONY: Prisoner, yes. (Scoffing) "All the time in the world," I don't think so, Jack.
No! (Breathing) If you were going to kill me, (not moving but looking
at him) you would have done it by now.
(Cont.; speaking calming) Ex-actly! You have other plans
for me. And for Cassie. If she is here.
Or for anyone else in this castle, if they're here.
So tell me, how many others are here?
TONY: (Grinning) Just you, Jack! Everyone one else went back to Salem.
(Confident) You're lying! I know I heard the sound of
a young girl crying, in the middle of the night.
TONY: (Fiddling with something, not wanting to let Jack know he is right) Yes, probably your overactive imagination. You probably were driving of your precious Abigail, crying herself to sleep at night because.... (twisting in the knife) she misses her good old dad.
Ahhh. Ah. (Breathing) Hah....
TONY: (Menacingly) Try that again, and I promise you your next wound will be fatal!
Oh, it's all not that ser-ious! But the next one will
be if you ever try to attack me or try to escape again.
JACK: (Looking towards Tony) Did I happen to mention, that your assistant Bart told me that Jennifer and my baby made it back to Salem safely, no thanks to (gesturing with his head) you. TONY: Ha hah. (Getting up, pointing the sword to the floor and gesturing with his other hand) You know, I'm very disappointed in myself, I've had you all hostage on the island, I set up an underground volcano, (gesturing) which brought on a big tidal wave, (gesturing with his head) you should have all been killed, but.... here you are still alive. JACK: (Looking at Tony) Did anyone elssse happen to make it back to Salem? ![]() Jack glares at Tony, he obviously is affected by this. Tony is enjoying Jack's reaction. TONY: Yes, he is moved in with your grief stricken Jennifer. Huh, (grinning maliciously) she needs a man around the house. And I think he'll offer great comfort to her, and be a great to all the children Jack
cannot hide his concern.
Lockhart's living with my family?
Huh.... huhh, huh... (Getting serious) Oh. Hmmm.
I've got to get out of here! I've got to get out before
Lock.... Lockhart uh.... (Gets up quickly) My wife....
My children....
You're not going anywhere! There is no escaping this
castle. You'll remain here, until I decide what your
ultimate fate is.
JACK: Why the hell are you doing this to me? TONY: (Moving closer to him) What, I'm supposed to share that with you? Oh hardly. No, you can spend your sleepless nights worrying about losing your loved ones to a man capable of working for your sworn mortal enemy.
(Cont.) Sweet dreams.... Jack!
NO! (Panting) NO!
date December 21st, 2004]
Ahhhh, "Five across, Tim Burton animated scare fest."
(Sighing) Nightmare Before Christmas! Certainly describes this
wretched place.
DAMNIT! Damnit. I'm going to get out of here.
Haaaaaaaaa, damn you, Tony! You.... waltz around this
place like a.... (shoves aside the chair and tries to make sure his chain
is not entangle) ....like a ninja. Loooving
the fact that you're keeping me away from my family. If I can find a way
to turn it around on you.... get out of here! (Jack sighs)
The Count sent somevone to keep you company.
Please tell me, it's not you.
GUARD #1: Enjoy your visit but don't get any ideas about escaping.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so emotional.
JACK: That's all right. Rea.... rea.... really, tha.... that's all right!
(Cont.) I'm just.... I'm just so glad that you're all.... (gesturing)
well, (putting his hand on her arm) you are obviously
all right.
CASSIE: Jack, there was an explosion somewhere in the caste. Did you hear it? JACK: Yes! Did you? Do you know what it was? CASSIE: No, I don't (she shakes of her head slightly in the negative). But right after it happened, Tony ordered the guards to take me here. JACK: (Smiling) They're consolidating us. (Looking around) All right, something is going on, and I bet--
(Cont.) Arr..... haaaa..., let's just hope, that someone's coming to rescue
I know.... that the explosion took place (trying to see where the explosion
was) to the (pointing) east... side of this building. Unfortunately, (walking
back towards her) it's very well built.
(Cont.) Not exactly designed for escape.
CASSIE: (Putting her hand on his arm, to stop him) You know Jack, we shouldn't be too sure about that. (Tapping him with her fingerr) When I was living at the di Mera mansion there were tons of catacombs and corridors beneath the house. I.... I.... don't think that Tony would live or own a place that didn't have some sort of escape route.
Cassie, you may be on to something.
Yeah, when we were on the island.Tony always had a way
out for himself. If not for us.... (puts his hand to his face in concentration)
....now, if we could find one of those.... corridors, passageways, we
too could escape.
CASSIE: (Walking back towards him) Jack, I would give anything to be back in Salem. Jack: (Looking up at her, hopefully) Maybe even in time for Christmas.
(Pointing with his hand) Have you ever seen those.... (looking behind
things) Edgar Allen Poe movies with.... with.... Vincent Price?
Oooohhhh, I don't know, Jack, maybe a couple, why?
JACK: (Continuing to touch and move various objects) Ah.... Well, you know, there.... there's always a.... a knob or a....
(Cont.) ....or a lever, or something (walking around searching) that you
could press, or de-press that would.... that would make the whole
wall rotate.
CASSIE: (Searching) Yeah, Jack, you see that on TV all the time. (Throwing out her arms in frustration) We're not going to get out of here. There's nothing here.
(Cont.) What if nobody comes for us? What if those who
tried to come for us are dead?
Cassie, look.... you got to stay positive. If we don't get out of here--
CASSIE: (Gesturing with her hands) I know, I know, you won't get back to Jennifer and your kids.
(Cont.) And I really want to get back to Rex. (Sadly) He's the only
family that I really have. (Trying not to cry) Ha.... (turning away).
CASSIE: Hey.... JACK: Oh (Cont.) You're a Brady! You've got tons of relatives. CASSIE: No, I know, I know that. I just.... I mean that I never really got to know any of them.... but Roman and Caroline.(Rolling her eyes trying to prevent herself from crying) What if they didn't make it after the tidal wave? JACK: You've go to stop thinking like this! You've go to stop right now! We know that Rex is back in Salem. I'm sure that.... I'm sure your brother is going to want to have you home again. Now, we got to do something, right here, if there is an intruder in this castle, and if they're trying to rescue us, we got to let them know to let them know that we are here.
JACK: (Cont.) What we have to do.... is get their attention.... (nodding) but I'm going to need your help. |