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Professor Stephen Haver Files
Episode Twenty-four

(Air date Thursday, March 11th, 2004)
Scene One: Police station interrogation room. Haver is sitting at the table, motionless and silent. Bo is in the back of the room. Rae is also there. John is in his face interrogating him. He tells Haver that everyone, including he (Haver) knows he is guilty. John tells him that it would be better to confess now because it "could get a little quiet on death row later."

Haver continues to stare and say nothing, as if in a catatonic state, obviously a ploy to get off on an insanity defense. D.A. Daniel Colson walks in and Bo tells him that Haver has not spoken. Colson adds that Haver has not even requested to see his lawyer. Colson asks Haver what does he think "this silent routine is going to get you?" Rae replies that Haver "is just trying to figure out his move." To Stephen she replies, "Stephen, I know *what* it is." However, he continues to say nothing."

Scene Two: Still in the interrogation room. Rae leans forward on the table, looking at Haver. "How does it feel, Stephen, to be on the other side? To feel *trapped* and scared like *all* your victims?" He continues to act as if he is in psychological state. She tells him that no one will buy his attempts at pretending to act catatonic. John asks if that is what he is doing, trying to make them believe "he is too nuts to stand trial." Bo, playing along, trying to get Haver to react and thus prove he is not "crazy," asks Colson if he can get the charges to stick.  Colson is positive he can. He tells them,  and Haver, that his only hope is to plead guilty to save him from Death Row. John, taunting him, says he thinks Stephen is "toast either way!"

Just then Haver looks up at them and begins to speak.
STEPHEN: (Calmly and rationally, yet looking rather evil) Mommy, I'd like to see my lawyer now.

Rae looks back at him, as he is staring her down.

Scene Three: Llanview University. Marcie and other college students are waiting for the statement about Haver. She talks with other students, and they are shocked that he is the Music Box Killer. Viki makes a formal statement to the students and tells them she will be accessible to talk to the students about this situation. Viki goes on to say that it was unfortunately that he was so well loved and no one noticed what type of person he truly was. The students are worried something similar will happen again. She assures them that the university will be more vigilant in the future and will do a better job with background checks.

Scene Four: The Police Station, Bo, John and another police officer are leading Haver down the hallway. Nelson Kendall, Haver's lawyer, is there. He warns them, "All communication with my client is to go through *me* from now on!" Throughout this exchange Haver remains silent. Bo tells Kendall that Haver "is on his way to County Lock-up!" John whispers to Haver that he is going to be there to "watch you fry!" Haver continues his act.  His lawyer tells them that Haver is not going to spend any time in prison. He tells them that he plans to put forth an insanity plea. Just then Asa Buchanan, speaks up. He is furious. He tells his son Bo that Haver "killed all those women!" Haver turns to him, smirking. Asa tells them that Sarah's (Flash) doctors informed him that she never will be able to sing again because of what he did to her. Asa wants to "string him up!" Bo tries to calm him. Asa wants to know if they plan on killing Haver. He tells Bo that if they do not, *he will*! "YOU HEAR THAT HAVER!" he shouts threateningly at him. Nora tries to reassure him by telling him that they have a very good case against Haver. Asa wants to know if it really is possible for Haver to be sent to a mental institution rather than prison or given the death sentence. With everyone, including Haver, hearing him, Asa vows that if he does try to get off for insanity he "*Will* kill him!" Bo and Nora are concerned that he would do just that. Haver is smug.

Scene Five: The police Station, Kendall is talking with prosecuting attorney Nora, Bo and Rae about Haver.  Bo says, "We've got a *nice comfy* cell for him at County." Kendall wants a "psychiatric evaluation" for Haver first. Bo says that Rae can set something up. Kendall tells them that he does not think she can choose an evaluating psychiatrist without being biased. Haver continues to remains silent, but he is obviously manipulating the situation and is smug and self-confident that he can outsmart everyone and get off. As they debate the issue of the evaluation Asa motions to John to meet him in Bo's office. Nora agrees that they can find another psychiatrist at the prison.

Meanwhile, in Bo's office, Asa opens his brief case and shows John a gun. John is startled. He wonders what the hell he is thinking. Asa knows what he is doing. Haver needs to be killed for what he did and he is going to kill him.

(Air date Friday, March 12th, 2004)

Scene One: Police Station, Stephen, handcuffed, is on the phone talking to someone. His lawyer is standing by him. Bo walks towards Haver as he is talking, and stops behind him.

STEPHEN: They're offering a bigger advance than what you asked for. (Pausing to listen) Haa... They say they can't buy the kind of publicity the book is getting from me being here. The Thing He Loves will be flying off the shelves. (Making a face) Agents! Listen to me, (gestures as he talks) stop thinking about the money. Think about this, if they drop the charges, I could be free and out of here by the publishing date (starts to say something but is interrupted)--

BO: I wouldn't count on it!



Haver turns towards Bo.
STEPHEN: (On the phone) Excuse me.... (To Bo, putting down his cell phone) Yes?
Nora walks up.

NORA: When we're through with you there's Illinois! And then New Jersey!

BO: I hope you watered all your plants, it's going to be about a 108 years before you ever see them again.

NELSON KENDALL: My client hasn't been examined by our psychiatrist yet.

NORA: Hah (Chuckles) Oh, yeah, the good old "insanity defense!"

STEPHEN: (Smug) Where.... I can't be held accountable if I'm not in (turns to look at Bo and Nora) my right mind.
Scene Two: Bo's office, John takes the gun from Asa. Asa had planned on killing Haver instead of letting him get off easy. John looks through the slats of the blinds to where Haver is. Asa smiles, "Good a man of action!" Thinking that John is going to kill Haver for him. Asa cannot believe it when John tells him to put the gun away and forget about it. Asa cannot believe that John would let Haver get away with all that happened. John assures him that they will get Haver. He warns him to put away the gun and forget about his plans or he will be arrested.

Scene Three: At the Palace, Nora arrives to meet with Rae. Rae tells Nora that she has decided to leave Llanview [Linda Dano had been fired]. Just then a man walks behind Rae and places his hands lovingly  on her shoulders. The man says that he and Rae leaving together. She grins happily. Nora gasps. Rae nods ecstatically. It is John Sykes, her former lover. He had heard what happened and came to be there for Rae.

Scene Four: The police station, Haver is now wearing orange prison overalls. D.A. Daniel Colson storms in.
DANIEL: Okay, what's this about you wanting added police protection!

STEPHEN: (Turning towards him, acting like the victim, motion with his hands which are handcuffed together) Asa Buchanan, the man threatened me. Something about an assault on his great-granddaughter....

DANIEL: You'll be fine in your cell in County.

STEPHEN: (Cont.) ....she can't sing anymore. (Motions towards Bo's office with his hands) He has a gun in there that he brought into the police station. See for yourself.

DANIEL: Haver, you're wasting my time!

STEPHEN: (Motioning with his head, looking innocently) See for yourself.
Meanwhile, inside Bo's office.
BO: (Furious) Give me that (snatching the gun from Asa)! What the hell do you think you're doing?! (Checking the chamber for bullets)

ASA: Somebody's got to take charge around here!

BO: (Gesturing) Oh, so, what do you think, John is just going top pop Haver with this pistol? You know what I think?  I think I ought to  (pointing to his father) have you committed!

ASA: (Laughing) Ha, ha! I want justice!

BO: WE ALL DO! And we're going to get it! (Gestures angrily) But this thing's going to play out the way it's suppose to. Without any interference from you!

ASA: (Gestures) If I had interferedsooner maybe Gabrielle would be alive, Bo.

BO: Ah damnit--

ASA: Somebody should have killed that psycho--
Just then Colson walks in, Stephen is behind him and his guard is behind him. Haver smirks at being right and what it could mean. Bo fiddles with the gun.
DANIEL: You brought that gun into a police station?!

STEPHEN: It's Buchanan justice all over. Commissioner (talking to Bo), maybe you should arrest him too.

Bo is fuming at his father for screwing everything up. Haver stares at Asa. Haver is enjoying everything, hoping to use this to his advantage.

Scene Five: Bo's office, the previous scene continues.

DANIEL: All right, what's going on here, Commissioner?

STEPHEN: Obviously, he is out for my blood.

ASA: (Rubbing his hands together in fury) Me and the whole damn world, you sick bastard!

BO: All right, that's enough! (To the guard) Get him out of my office!
The officer leads Haver away, but he gets one more parting shot.
STEPHEN: More Buchanan justice (smirking at Asa).
Asa tells the D.A. he got it all wrong. Daniel asks if he threatened Haver's life. Asa plays innocent and tells Colson that he just came to see his son and the gun is a gift for him. John lies and confirms what he says. Colson tells Asa that he will not be charged because he does not want it to be used by Haver during the trial.

Scene Six: The police station, John and Bo meet Haver in the hallway.  John stops to get some water.
BO: (To Haver) I thought  you were long gone?

STEPHEN: Not yet. (Stopping) John?

JOHN: (Stopping what he is doing and looking over towards him) Yeah?

STEPHEN: Is something going to happen to me downstairs?

JOHN: Nothing that you don't want to happen. Don't worry, Haver, we want you alive (taking a sip).

BO: (Nodding) You're going to be spending the rest of your life wishing you were dead (turning to him).

STEPHEN: Right. Right, (Feigning curtsey) well, it's been my pleasure gentlemen. (Nodding) Good evening! Pleasant dreams.
He and the guard turn the corner. They stop and he talks with the guard. From around another corner we see a man's hand, holding a gun like the one Asa had, and pointing it at Haver.

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