02: jack and jennifer's first scenes, early material at the
on video title to view; click "read" to go to place
in the episode where the video is located] |
vid |
scene |
041A |
wants to write a story about a horse, Jack and Jennifer's
first scenes together. [1.3 min; 2.8 Meg]
read |
041B |
of Jack and Diana, Jack asserts his authority as majority
owner. [2.3 min; 4.8 Meg] |
read |
042 |
After being
stabbed, Jack visits Kayla, he vows to change. [2.4
min; 3.2 Meg] |
read |
043 |
Jack returns
to Kayla to have his wound checked. [1.3 min;
3 Meg] |
read |
044 |
Jack wants
to get Jo a new place, Jo wants his love, Steve is cynical.
[1.3 min; 3 Meg] |
read |
45A |
Jack shows
Jennifer how to improve her article. [40 sec;
1.5 Meg] |
read |
45B |
Jack shows
Jennifer her first by-line in print. [1
min; 2.1 Meg] |
read |
46A |
Fairytale: Sir Jack of Deveraux pretends to make up with
his brother, Steven Hood. [1:45 min; 3.8 Meg]
read |
46B |
Fairytale: Sir Jack sings "Mac the Knife." [25
sec; 890K] |
read |
46C |
Fairytale: Sir Jack and the evil Count
Victor capture Princesses Kayla and Diana.[1:40
min; 3.6 Meg] |
read |
46D |
Fairytale: Robin Hood and Knight Roman
rescue the ladies from the villains. [40
sec; 1.4 Meg] |
read |
46E |
Fairytale: Sir Jack recites his alliterative vow of conquest.
[55 sec; 2 Meg] |
read |
047 |
Jack cancels
a dinner with Jo and Steve confronts him, Jack wonders why
he cares. [2:25 min; 5.4 Meg] |
read |
048 |
Jack has
dinner with Jo and Steve, and gets emotional and leaves. [3:20
min; 7.6 Meg] |
read |
049 |
Jack talks
to Baby Alexander, Jo tries to get him to accept his "real"
family. [3.15 min; 4.5 Meg] |
read |
050 |
Jack is
surprised by a criminal, but shows no one can jerk around
Jack. [1.2 min; 1.6 Meg] |
read |
051 |
Jack, reading
Jennifer's computer, becomes more intrigued, Jennifer shows
she can give it back. [55 sec; 2.1 Meg] |
read |
052 |
Hannah Story: Jennifer wants to write about Sally Wales;
Jack refuses. [2:10 sec; 4.9 Meg] |
read |
053A |
Hannah Story: Jack tells Jennifer that Sally will have
to go to jail and give up Hannah. [2 min; 4.4
Meg] |
read |
053B |
Hannah Story: Jennifer begs to write a series on Sally
and Hannah, again Jack refuses. [2:50 min;
6.4 Meg] |
read |
054 |
Hannah Story: Since Jennifer has to tell Sally about Hannah,
Jack tries to make her feel better. [55 sec;
2 Meg] |
read |
055 |
Baby Hannah Story: Jack tells Jennifer that Jo wanted
to give him up unlike Sally; Jo overhears. [1:40
min; 3.7 Meg] |
read |
056A |
Hannah Story: Jo comes to visit Jack and explain. [2
min; 4.6 Meg] |
read |
056B |
Hannah Story: (Cont.) Jack, hurt refuses to listen to
Jo. [1:30 min; 3.2 Meg] |
read |
057 |
Hannah Story: Jennifer resigns because of Jack's heartlessness.
[1:30 min; 3.2 Meg] |
read |
Hannah Story: Jack shows Jennifer the editor he wrote
about Sally and Hannah. [1:20 min; 3 Meg] |
read |
059A |
Hannah Story: Jack goes to social services to visit Hannah.
[1 min; 2.4 Meg] |
read |
059B |
Hannah Story: Jo shows up and talks to Jack. [2:50
sec; 6.3 Meg] |
read |
060A |
Hannah Story: After reading Jack's editorial, Jennifer
wants her job back. [1:55 sec; 4.2 Meg]
read |
060B |
Hannah Story: After Jennifer leaves, Jack reacts to Jennifer
staying. [6 sec; 250K] |
read |
061 |
Baby Hannah Story: Jack and Jennifer banter. [1:55
min; 3.5 Meg] |
read |
062 |
Hannah Story: Jack calls to check Jennifer's, and discovers
she has been hurt; he is sick with worry. [25
sec; 1 Meg] |
read |
063 |
Hannah Story: A pole has fallen on Jennifer, Jack frantically
tries to help her, surprising Steve. [50 sec;
2 Meg] |
read |
064A |
Hannah Story: Jennifer might be serioously injured, Mike
tells a worried Jack to leave her alone. [55
sec; 2 Meg] |
read |
064B |
Hannah Story: After Jennifer's family leaves, Jack visits
her, he obviously cares for her. [1:10 min;
2.7 Meg] |
read |
065 |
Hannah Story: Jack disguises his voice to check on Jennifer.
[35 sec; 1.2 Meg] |
read |
066 |
Hannah Story: Jack visits Jennifer in the hospital, and
gives her good news about Hannah. [2:30 min;
5.5 Meg] |
read |
067A |
Baby Hannah Story: Jack tells Jennifer his mad scheme
to help Hannah, they pretend to be married. [1:20
min; 3.1 Meg] |
read |
067B |
Baby Hannah Story: Jack and a reluctant Jennifer try
to convince Mrs. Simmons to give them Hannah. [2:20
min; 5.2 Meg] |
read |
068 |
Baby Hannah Story: Kismet: Jack and Jennifer arrive
at the same time to the Donavons' party. [45
sec; 1.6 Meg] |
read |
069A |
Hannah Story: Tom and Alice are worried seeing Jack and
Jennifer pretend to be a couple. [1 min; 2.4
Meg] |
read |
069B |
Hannah Story: Jack continues to play up being involved
with Jennifer, confusing Adrienne. [55 sec;
2 Meg] |
read |
070 |
Steve wants no part of Jack at the party Steve is planning
for Jo. [1:45 min; 4 Meg] |
read |
071A |
Hannah Story: Jack and Jennifer are told they cannot have
Hannah due to Jack's violent past. [1:10 min;
2.4 Meg] |
read |
071B |
Hannah Story: Jack is affected by the news, and his complex
feelings about the rape resurface. [2:10 min;
5 Meg] |
read |
072A |
Baby Hannah Story: Jack lashes out at Jennifer when
she tells him she wants still try to get Hannah. [2
min; 4.7 Meg] |
read |
072B |
Hannah Story: Jack has a change of heart about helping
Hannah. [50 sec; 1.9 Meg] |
read |
073 |
To hurt
Steve, Jack crashes Jo's party with Earl, not knowing he looks
like Duke, hurting everyone. [2 min; 4.4 Meg]
read |
074 |
Upset over
what he did Jack is drinking at Wings, Jennifer talks to him,
giving him advice. [50 sec; 1.7 Meg]
read |
075 |
Jack apologizes
to Jo, and gives her a gift; she realizes it is a match to
Santa's gift, so Jack was Santa. [1:20 min;
2.9 Meg] |
read |
076 |
Baby Hannah Story: Jack hides, Mrs. Simms tells Jennifer
she can have Hannah, Jack is happy for her. [55
sec; 2 Meg] |
read |
077 |
Hannah Story: Jack is able to feed Hannah when Jennifer
cannot. [1:45 min; 3.8 Meg] |
read |
078 |
Hannah Story: Jennifer has some problems with Hannah,
Jack enjoys giving her a hard time. [1:50 min;
4.2 Meg] |
read |
079 |
Hannah Story: Jack watches Hannah for Jennifer. [2:10
min; 5 Meg] |
read |
080 |
Jack interviews
Cal Winter, who is charged with shooting Roman, but is he
talking about Cal or himself. [45 sec; 1.6
Meg] |
read |
081 |
realizing Jack was talking about himself, tries to be supportive;
Jack pushes her away. [2:50 min; 6.4 Meg] |
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082A |
Hannah Story: Jack watches Hannah for Jennifer, and gets
bad news about Hannah. [1 min; 2.3 Meg]
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082B |
Hannah Story: Alice arrives and is not happy Jack is there,
and warns him about hurting Jennifer. [1:45
min; 3.9 Meg] |
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083A |
Hannah Story: Jack goes to Jennifer with pizza and Chianti
to tell her about Hannah. [50 sec; 1.9 Meg]
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083B |
Hannah Story: Jack tries to tell Jennifer about Hannah,
they end up talking about their families. [3:45
min; 8.3 Meg] |
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084A |
Hannah Story: Jack is too later, Jennifer finds out about
Hannah and is hurt, and angry with him. [2
min; 4.6 Meg] |
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084B |
Hannah Story: After Hannah is gone, Jennifer falls into
Jack's arms, he does not know what to do. [20
sec; 850K] |
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084C |
Hannah Story: Jack talks how his and Jo's situation is
similar to Hannah and Sally. [1:25 min; 3.1
Meg] |
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085A |
Hannah Story: Jack jokingly voluanteers to be Jennifer's
roommate -- or is he joking. [2:10 min; 4.9
Meg] |
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085B |
Hannah Story: Jack gives Jennifer insightful advice about
finding the right person. [2 min; 4.4 Meg]
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